Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sunday Movie

Wolf Creek

As you saw from the previous lovely post Connie posted, we went away for the weekend. Now in that post it all seemed lovely and fun but what you guys don't know about was our trip there.
We had our navigator, yes, but that still didn't really make us not get lost and freak out! haha
(yes I'm laughing now, but we sure wasn't then!!)
This was all in the last 15 minutes of the ride there by the way.
So Connie and myself were driving..the navigator lady said the name of the street which is where our destination was, but then all of a sudden everything got dark...we end up in this forest,the rain wouldn't calm down and we were lost!
It all happened so quick!
Because Connie goes to this beach house every year if we were anywhere near the house she would have known, but obviously not because Miss Navigator took us the back way.
So we decided to make a u turn but the only way of doing it was in a 3point turn and it was in a very muddy side lane. First thought was of course "wheel please don't get caught in THE MUD!!"
Luckily Connie turned that 3point turn into a 10point turn so we slowly but safely got out of there!
Eventually after calls to our friends and lots of driving around we made it to the beach house safe, but what it all reminded me of was the Australian movie Wolf Creek.
 picture thanks to

...Minus the creepy guy and the car breaking down...and everyone getting killed.
ok so it may not be exactly like Wolf Creek, but the Fear was definitely close to Wolf Creek.
Have you seen it before? It's a pretty creepy Movie, since I watched the movie I can't stand the actor who played the creep in it.
What did you think of the movie?

I once actually drove near where they did the movie from Melbourne to Adelaide and i was soo scared of the car breaking down lol.

Anyway once we got to the beach house, we drank those fears away with some nice Malibu and Coke =]

BTW: Apologies for the mass delay for the Sunday Movie,it's now Sunday the week after...whooops.

At least I ended up posting this eventually haha.

Thanks for reading


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