Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Hey Ya'll!
after many months of always saying.."yeah we will so go to that festival.."  "..we're so gonna see them.."  "..let's buy tickets next week..."

We FINALLY went to a festival!! which was the Good Vibrations Festival and it was A-Mazing!
we saw SO many awesome artists in one day!
on our way to the festival we guessed the last bit of our we were waiting for the tram that could have taken us there...but we decided to be safe and walk it there.
(*Safe:..let me tell you walking through Flemington is not really safe lol)

As soon as we arrived we couldn't wait to get some food!that burger ruined my day and stuffed up with my poor tummy =[

GYM CLASS HEROES!!!pretty mad

OH BUSTA was soooo gooood!!!!!unfortunately i missed out on 'Touch It' which I know is the best song....

The Gossip was good too..she sounds the same live...her voice is a REAL voice!not like those other srtists these days.....

Connie & Nelly waiting for the killers to jump on stage

we got to see the Sunset while waiting for the Killers, great Pic Connie =]

Crowd Surfer

Connie Says:
This was an EPIC day! One of those things I honestly thought I would never actually experience. And when i was there all I could think was 'Is this really me at a music festival?'
Every single artist that I saw was great live. You know you always hear of those people who sound so different from the recording, but absolutely everyone that we saw was exactly the same.
So many of these artists have such powerful voices, and performance wise they would all get an A+ in my class.
I dont know who I would say was my favourite, I mean I want to go with the Killers, but then I would be taking away from so many other great musicians.
Kid Cudi was FANTASTIC! The Gossip was AMAZING! Everyone was just so good.
I think it is impossible to chose someone you like more than others when so many were that good.
And from having been once, I can tell you I would recommend to anyone, if you are thinking of going to a music festival, stop thinking and start going!
Nelly and I have already bought tickets to go to Jam Fest as well now. This one experience has led to another!
JamFest sounds like a must go to Festival, it will have Seam Paul, Pitbull, Eve, Kelly Rowland, Akon, Jay Sean!! This is another sound I really love, and I can already tell that I will have the time of my life!

Let us know if you are heading to JamFest! and what your thoughts on Music Festivals are.
We love to hear from you guys, so come on lets have it!

Laters People xx
ps. I will try and upload more pics from Good Vibes, and try to add a video of this hilarious dancing man!

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