So today was my day off and usually i stay home bludging,facebook and other stuff but instead today i went to the beach (Lorne) with my two cousins which was two hours drive..BUT so worth it!
Sand so clean and fine and the water was beautiful too!
As if any1 would drink saltwater ew!...anyway...
On the way there we drove through a little town called Anglesea, which is where Connie and myself went for SKOOLIES! =]
the whole time we drove through i was smiling because each corner had a memory haha
so connie these pictures are for you lol
excuse the blurryness i couldn't really make them stop so i could take a picture of a restaurant lol
that's just a random pic of the little shops,and on the laft side would have been that little entrance to the coles or safeway?maybe IGA? i forgot....
AND THIS ONE was where we had our only proper meal for the time we stayed there haha.we were all eating like hungry dogs.ohh goood times!
Another thing i had to post on here is this house!like omg id be too scared to live in there in winter when it's windy. Especially with the beach right infront of you!

Anyway in the end we finally arrived at the beach, and i thought it was funny how there were lifeguards!
it's probably not funny but it's just that so far the beaches we've been to didn't have them...which is actually bad haha!
So yeah that's a pic of the cute Lifeguard. Lol at the Seagull on the left, looks like it's laying an egg haha
I couldn't help myself to do that (Dames De Fleur of course =] )
that way i won't sunburn my head again!how can that happen with long hair anyway???well it happened to me!
Every time i visit a beautiful place i feel like i have to bring back a souvenir home, if it's a shell,Hat,nice bathers, key ring or like at Skoolies, a box where a bottle of 'Cowboy' used to be in (alcoholic beverage which you should sooo try)
i don't know, i guess i'm just weird that way.
aaaand that's all for today!
the next blog should be on sunday where me and connie will mostlikely write about our weekend and her sisters 18th! yay!
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