anyone done their xmas shopping yet?I haven't even started!!!...oh oh :S
The past week Connie and myself (Nelly) have managed to catch up more than the usual, which never happens during the week.
while I was in the city for a Job interview (for a job i got!! YAY ) we went for lunch at this Funky place on Swanston Street called "The Lounge" which I totally recommend to anyone visiting Melbourne or just walking past it. Instead of always going to Maccas!
(which is exactly what we did the day before for lunch haha)
Us being so immature, of course found it hilarious that our order number was '69'
There's nothing better than two fresh glasses of coke on a humid day in Melb =]
For lunch we just had something small simple but delicious!
it had the best Sour Cream sauce ever! But as you can see the sweet chilli sauce was not touched because we're sooks haha.
Because Connie went to Phillip island with her family all day Saturday, we thought we would top it up Friday Night by going for a walk at South Bank which was soooo beautiful.

The weather was perfect, it was windy but not cold...just that lovely breeze like on a summer night.
so we thought "hey let's wear dresses!!!!"
just as we finished sipping on our Milkshakes it started pouring down!!!!!!!
..damn I was about to upload a picture of Connie and me but Connies face is blurry so it looks creepy.
TIP:make sure no1 moves while taking a picture in the dark without the flash on.
Us two working on our Blog on a Sunday morning after a big night. =]
So that is all for this weekend from me, next weekend should be a bigger one with more to write about. Love you lot's!
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