Hey everyone, so this week Nelly and I got together to discuss ways to make the blog a bit more fun and a bit more active on our end.
So I suggested that we do something that we could do weekly, like my monthly addiction segment haha.
This is the way this will work, every Sunday (usually) in turns we will report on what movie we will be wathcing that Sunday, and usually we will try to relate it to where we are at in life etc.
I had the first go and dropped the ball already LOL. but here it is only a few days late.
The Movie I have chosen is Nine to Five
Last week all I remember doing is work. I came in to do so many different things. With everyone saying that they have the top priority thing for me to work on. (you see I am the Administrations person for a team of four, with an additional person to the team who i work for as well. i have four different bosses, five if you include their boss)
Last week really took a toll on me. I was working so hard and only getting recognised for the faults in my work.
My official boss sat me down and we had a discussion about how much I had on my plate and after some tears fell on my cheek, she decided that from now on all work that i was to do would have to go through her first.
you see i am only 19, and have been in the workforce for less than a year - and since taking on a new role have taken responsibility for a lot. And my body and my mind are verrrrrrrrry tired.
So to cheer me up i decided to watch Nine to Five. It made me not only laugh but also, it made me happy not to have to work in the same environment as them hahaha.
i should be happy i only have female bosses!
anyways watch the trailer above :) and enjoy!!
XOXO Connie
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Hello there!
As you would have figured by the title Connie and myself went to see Eclipse at the movies last weekend ...instead of going out for once.
As soon as I finished work we headed to the movies and got our tickets with some Skittles and M&M's, and for a Saturday night surprisingly it wasn't busy so we had the opportunity to get the top centre seats yay!
So the movie was actually good it had many funny scenes in it, mostly with Bella and Jacob in them.
In New Moon the new eye-candy was Alex Meraz (Paul) and in Eclipse we have Australian Cutie Xavier Samuel (Riley).
Samuel Xavier.
Proud to say that he was born in Victoria which is where we're from :)
Just in case you forgot who Alex Meraz is:
...yes this was another excuse just to add some eye candy in :)
We got to hear a few of Bella's manly screams again but Overall Eclipse was pretty good, in the end it did leave Connie and myself wondering of what they will do out of Breaking Dawn, let's hope they won't break the story in two movies :/
They did it with Lord Of The Rings, Avatar and I'm sure there is many many more that went longer than a average movie. So really they should stop saying that there is too much to make it all one movie, I may be the only one but i would sit in the cinema to watch every second of Breaking Dawn because it was my favorite book so far.
...I guess we just have to wait and see what will happen.
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Don't be shy to add your thoughts about the movie or anything mentioned in the Post.
Source for pictures Thanks to http://www.twilight-review.com/ & www.justjared.buzznet.com & www.ideagirlconsulting.files.wordpress.com
alex meraz,
breaking dawn,
edward cullen,
new moon,
robert pattinson,
xavier samuel
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Ashton visits us.
Ashton Kutcher, Down Under!
For his movie premier 'Killers' he came to Sydney and Melbourne.
Unfortunately I did not get the chance to meet him and this was probably the only chance i could have gotten......ever! If I would have known about it earlier i would have planned to go see him at one of the locations he was at. May I add that he is my number one crush since....errr...I can't even remember.
Coffee for two?
The location is very obvious, for the foreigners ... Ashton in front of the Sydney Opera House :)
He looks like he could use a hug in this picture, true?
Here are some pictures taken by Anthony Licuria ( www.aplphotography.com.au ) a great Melbournian Photographer snapped of him while in Melbourne of course. He's such a good photographer in all areas, Connie and Myself had the honour of getting snapped by him a few times too :D
May I add how hot those beanies look on guys!
Ain't he just Sexy! I wonder what his personality is in real life though...away from the media, just everyday life with wife and kids. I wonder if he's arrogant like the majority of good looking celebrities? Then again he is involved in lots of charities and one him and his lucky and wonderful wife Demi Moore have, the DNA foundation www.demiandashton.org
It's focused on reducing the worldwide child sex slavery ...which yeah is still happening now days.
EVERY human being on this earth has the right of Freedom.
It's good to see rich people do useful things with all those dollar$.
Of course he visited one of our typical Australian animals which is...very obvious that... yes, it should have been the Kangaroo but he choose the Koala bear instead which is still very close and safer lol.
He looks very Australian with the Bogan hat hehe
What he had to say about Koala Bears only having two thumbs:
"Koalas have two thumbs, that kind of freaked me out. Imagine how fast you could text with two thumbs,"
made me laugh!
Tweet:"Being haunted by a Melbourne night"
"How is it that Melbourne is basically closed on wed night"
...talking about how quiet Melbourne is on a Wednesday night, him being used to L.A where there's something every night he must have been bored as. Well if I knew I would have taken him out around Melbourne, and showed him how not boring Melbourne really is.
In the Australian Cleo Magazine
...talking about Killers (The Movie)
he mentions that he had to speak french:
"I'm awful at speaking it, so most French people are going to be like 'What did he say?'. They use this 'ou' sound - it sounds as if it should be relegated to the bedroom or the bathroom!"
Any Kutcher obsessed Girls OR Guys out there if you don't already follow him on Twitter @aplusk is his official account. If you got any thoughts about or against him, don't be shy to comment.
Ashton Kutcher,
Katherine Heigl,
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
This new show isn't being shown in Australia yet... but as usual I have my ways and have found a way to watch the first four episodes... though I wish I could just watch it on TV since it is such better quality.
Anyways, i just LOVE this show.
The characters in it are all great, and have something that all teenage girls can relate to.
And I love how they are all so different, but they belong together quite well.
They remind me of the Spice Girls, they are all stereotypes... and by no means should they fit in together, and yet... Their friendship is really strong.
So if you are in America you should definitely take for granted that you can watch the show, and if you are Australian I suggest you all start a petition to get it on TV here.
OR you could get a head start and start reading the books... which I hear are marvellous. I know once i finish reading the Vampire Diaries books, I will definitely start with this series of books.
though I can imagine my room starting to look like a 16 yo book store... with teh Gossip Girl Books, and all hahaha!
Happy watching :)
xox Connie.
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