Friday, June 18, 2010

Not Torn In Two... Simply United!

Hey all, this is just a quick post from me, Connie :)

I was really offended by something that I read on another blog this morning. 
On this blog, someone suggested that when it comes to the World Cup you should only choose one team and stick it. 

While I do agree someone who has no connection to another country probably shouldn't go for another country when their team is in the World Cup, I must disagree with this person who thinks that we should all choose one team. 

As someone who was born in Italy but raised in Australia i often can't choose who to go for, so I decide to go for both until one of them is kicked out. (2006 was hard for me, but ultimately I got to choose the winning team) You see I am very patriotic, for both my countries. 

Why should I have to choose one country? I love them both. 
Italy was the place of my birth, and the first seven years of my life. It is also where my parents met and married. It is a country I hold dear to my heart. 
At the same time, my parents moved to Australia because they both had lived here before, and had family here, but also because in Italy there was no future for our family. I am sooooo grateful to my parents for moving to Australia where I have so much opportunity and have a wonderful life. 

Anyways, I just wanted to share with you my disappointment with this Blogger who doesn't know that sometimes you have to choose two teams. Sometimes you juts have to. 

so while Matthew McCoughney (how do you spell his name) may seem like a hypocrite to you, I completely understand his stance. He supports his home country, but also the home country of his Wife and his children, who are half Brazilian. 
Same with Katy Perry, when she marries Russell Brand she would be an honorary Brit, and if she wants to support his team then she definitely has a right to do so!

I especially feel sorry for people like Nelly, who have three teams. While she was born and raised in Germany her parents are Italian and she obviously lives in Australia. That must be difficult for her!

So thats my schpeil! 

I would love to hear your thoughts on the subject. What do you guys think, acceptable to have two teams during the World Cup? 


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